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Teas to tinctures: Oak Tree Herbal Remedies cultivates health and knowledge

Dec 11, 2023

DICKINSON — Bright yellow dandelions cover the lawns and sides of roads around town, and while most of us don't think much of them, they are one example of the variety of plants growing in our own backyards that have the potential to provide a multitude of health benefits.

One Dickinson business owner, Lindsey Deschamps, has found her passion in the form of plants and herbal medicine starting Oak Tree Herbal Remedies where she sells everything from medicinal teas to blended tinctures and extracts.

"When I moved to Dickinson I joined the farmers market and that was super successful. It seems like there was a really great need for something like this here at Dickinson especially because there are a lot of people in the surrounding areas that come to Dickinson and so I was able to open up a shop and that has been going really well," Deschamps said.

The shelves at Oak Tree Herbal Remedies are lined with jars of loose-leaf herbal tea blends from yarrow flower to classic earl grey, and dozens in between. Fresh green plants hang from the ceiling draping over hand-blended tinctures, herbal honey, and jars of mushrooms.

Deschamps has studied herbs and plants for over 15 years, becoming enamored not only with the world of herbalism but also with the limitless depths of learning.


Learning has been a lifelong love for Deschamps, who would be happy taking every college class offered just for the fun of it if it was affordable because as she puts it, when she isn't learning she is bored.

"I really wanted to be a wildlife conservationist. But the more I learned about plants and mushrooms and their healing power and potential the more I fell in love with it, and so I switched my focus over to that aspect of things," Deschamps said.

Violets, chickweeds and wood sorrels are a few other plants that Deschamps said grow abundantly in Dickinson giving people the opportunity to get outside and forage for themselves.

Periodically Dechamps hosts different nature classes for the community like spring foraging classes or Earth-themed workshops for homeschoolers in the community.

Although for those who aren't keen on foraging in foliage, Oak Tree Herbal Remedies takes the dirty work out of the equation, providing ethically sourced organic herbal remedies packed and ready to go.

While it takes lengthy research, Deschamps has an unwavering dedication to providing organic and ethically sourced products to her community.

"I fully research where absolutely everything comes from if it's not something that I have foraged or grown myself, I know exactly the farm that it comes from. And sometimes you know, it's out of the country, but I make choices a bit based on the ethical use of those resources. So I make sure that the farmer is getting paid and there are fair practices being used in the harvest and cultivation of the plant," Deschamps said.

Research is the first step that Deschamps recommends for anyone interested in dipping their toes into herbal medicine, noting that it's important to find information from reputable sources.


Deschamps suggests starting with one or two herbs that pique your interest, like dandelions for example and then doing research through multiple sources like Google Scholar, books, and journals outside of America, or by talking with experts in the field like herself to gain a well-rounded understanding of the herb.

"You can't just get your information from one source, right? If you see something on Tik Tok, and you're like, ‘I can't believe that, is that true?’ You know, go do your research, read as many books as you can, and talk to as many people as you can that might know about it. I'm always available to talk," Deschamps said.

From that point, Deschamps store provides a plethora of options for consuming different medicinal herbs from teas to tinctures, but as Deschamps explained herbs affect every person differently so it's a matter of finding what works best for you.

"When I get to know an herb, I try to take it in as many different forms as possible. I'll drink it as a hot tea. I'll drink it as a cold tea. I'll take that plant and if I can I’ll eat it fresh, or I'll eat it dried or as a tincture or sometimes I'll make a cordial. You take them one at a time so you see, how does this affect me personally?... Your body chemistry is different from my body chemistry so it's going to affect you in a slightly different manner," Deschamps said.

Ultimately, Deschamp's passion for creating her business and providing her customers with quality products stems from her love and passion for the world around her.

"I love nature and I love plants so much and the more you learn the more fantastic it is," Deschamps said.